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I hope you like these quotes about Death from the collection at Life Quotes and Sayings.
Farewell My Friend
It was beautiful as long as it lasted
The journey of my life.
I have no regrets whatsoever
save the pain I'll leave behind.
Those dear hearts who love and care...
And the strings pulling at the heart and soul...
The strong arms that held me up
When my own strength let me down.
At every turning of my life
I came across good friends,
Friends who stood by me,
Even when the time raced me by.
Farewell, farewell my friends
I smile and bid you goodbye.
No, shed no tears for I need them not
All I need is your smile.
If you feel sad do think of me
for that's what I'll like
when you live in the hearts
of those you love, remember then
you never die.
- Gitanjali Ghei
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,
love leaves a memory no one can steal.
- From a headstone in Ireland
Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely.
- The Buddha
I Cheat Death by Enjoying Life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
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Thank You,
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Fear not death; for the sooner we die,
the longer shall we be immortal.
- Benjamin Franklin
We are free only if we face the challenge of freedom,
do the work of freedom, fight the fight of freedom
and die the death for freedom.
- Charles G. Adams
We come this way but once.
We can either tiptoe through life
and hope we get to death without being badly bruised
or we can live a full, complete life achieving
our goals and realizing our wildest dreams.
- Bob Proctor
'Tis the business of little minds to shrink,
but they whose heart is firm,
and whose conscience approves their conduct,
will pursue their principles unto death.
- Thomas Paine
Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once.
- William Shakespeare
The fear of death follows from the fear of life.
A man who lives fully, is prepared to die at any time.
- Mark Twain
Courage is the art of being the only one
who knows you're scared to death.
- Earl Wilson
O Captain. My Captain. our fearful trip is done.
- Walt Whitman
Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway.
- John Wayne
Choose a friend as thou dost a wife,
till death separate you.
- William Penn
Careers and relationships also have their cycles
of birth, growth, and death -
to be followed by rebirth and the renewal of the cycle.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Death is just life's next big adventure.
- J. K. Rowling
Does who we are begin with breath,
depend on form, or end with death?
- Kirtana
Fear of the unknown is
the greatest fear of humankind,
and death the greatest unknown.
Acknowledging these doubts and the fears
is a powerful beginning.
It is liberating to say,
"Yes, I don't know, and yes, I am afraid."
Beyond that, the path to happiness
lies in living in the moment -
enjoying what you are doing today.
You don't need a reason to be happy,
just a choice.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Death is the final opening to Spirit.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Death is not extinguishing the light;
it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.
- Rabindranath Tagore
During life, none of us is 100% open to Spirit -
we have too much ego to do that.
Only at death do we give up our ego and completely open to Spirit.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Dying is a wild night and a new road.
- Emily Dickinson
It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died.
Rather we should thank God that such men lived.
- George S. Patton
The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears,
for there's no risk of accident for someone who's dead.
- Albert Einstein
Fear of death makes us devoid both of valor and religion.
For want of valor is want of religious faith.
- Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi
Death may be the greatest of all human blessings.
- Socrates
I Did Not Die
Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn's rain,
When you awaken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.
- Anonymous
Death is no more than passing from one room into another.
But there's a difference for me, you know.
Because in that other room I shall be able to see.
- Helen Keller
Fear of death ... That's funny. I have that too.
My dog has it. It's very common with living creatures.
- the movie Anything Else (2003)
Death comes to all,
but great achievements build a monument
which shall endure until the sun grows cold.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Death is nothing else but going home to God,
the bond of love will be unbroken for all eternity.
- Mother Teresa
Do feuds ever end?
Only when both sides shake hands,
and agree that there is no winner, no loser,
only people who have wearied of fighting
and desire to live in peace.
For many years, Northern Ireland was locked
in a murderous and seemingly unending feud.
The key to ending the feud was a shared commitment
that peace was more important than vengeance.
That is always the choice to be made.
The organizers of an April 10, 2009
joint Protestant-Catholic commemoration
of the Northern Ireland dead,
comprised of members of the once-outlawed Sinn Fein
as well as their once-avowed enemies,
referred to, "the terrible, random nature
of death in war and civil conflict."
Some lessons have been learned, many more remain.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Faith is a living and unshakable confidence,
a belief in the grace of God so assured that
a man would die a thousand deaths for its sake.
- Martin Luther
Don't expect me to get excited over
another damn thing we need to find.
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)
Anyone who proposes to do good
must not expect people to roll stones out of his way,
but must accept his lot calmly,
even if they roll a few stones upon it.
- Albert Schweitzer
I expect to pass through this world but once.
Any good therefore that I can do,
or any kindness that I can show to my fellow-creature,
let me do it now.
Let me not defer or neglect it,
for I shall not pass this way again.
- William Penn
The finest kind of friendship is between people
who expect a great deal of each other but never ask it.
- Anonymous
We cannot expect that all nations will adopt like systems,
for conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.
- John F. Kennedy
I believe that anyone can conquer fear
by doing the things he fears to do,
provided he keeps doing them until he gets
a record of successful experience behind him.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
If anyone is unhappy, remember that
his unhappiness is his own fault...
Nothing else is the cause of anxiety or loss of tranquility
except our own opinion.
- Epictetus
Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.
- Publilius Syrus
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters
cannot be trusted in large ones either.
- Albert Einstein
Anyone is free who lives as he wishes to live.
- Epictetus
If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need
but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?
- 1 John 3:17
Anyone who conducts an argument by appealing to authority
is not using his intelligence; he is just using his memory.
- Leonardo da Vinci
Don't believe me,
don't believe yourself,
and don't believe anyone else.
- don Miguel Ruiz
Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply
about what you believe in.
When you stumble, keep faith.
When you're knocked down, get right back up.
And never listen to anyone who says
you can't or shouldn't go on.
- Hilary Clinton
Anyone who has never made a mistake,
has never tried anything new.
- Albert Einstein
Anyone can heal who believes that he can
and will take the time to put that belief into motion.
- Ernest Holmes
Friendship with one's self is all important,
because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
ANYONE may become a revealer of Truth
who lives in close contact with the indwelling God.
- Ernest Holmes
Anyone can be passionate, but
it takes real lovers to be silly.
- Rose Franken
Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty, never grows old.
- Franz Kafka
I have been all things unholy.
If God can work through me, he can work through anyone.
- St. Francis of Assisi
If anyone is crazy enough to want to kill
a president of the United States, he can do it.
All he must be prepared to do is give his life for the president's.
- John F. Kennedy
Anyone who thinks, must think of
the next war as they would of suicide.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Anyone who can worship a trinity
and insist that his religion is a monotheism
can believe anything.
- Robert A Heinlein
Anyone who isn't confused,
really doesn't understand the situation.
- Edward R. Murrow
Anyone can do any amount of work
provided it isn't the work
he is supposed to be doing at the moment.
- Robert Benchley
Anyone who knows history, particularly
the history of Europe, will, I think,
recognize that the domination
of education or of government
by any one particular religious faith
is never a happy arrangement for the people.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
The future belongs to those
who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Believe nothing, no matter where you read it,
or who said it, no matter if I have said it,
unless it agrees with your own reason
and your own common sense.
- The Buddha
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
- Louisa May Alcott
Believe in yourself. Dream big dreams.
Set important goals. Take action on those goals.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
I don't believe in killing whatever the reason!
- John Lennon
Believe those who are seeking the truth.
Doubt those who find it.
- Andre Gide
I was brought up to believe that the only thing worth doing
was to add to the sum of accurate information in the world.
- Margaret Mead
Believe in yourself.
- Anonymous
Believe that life is worth living,
and your belief will help create the fact.
- William James
I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life
as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.
- Joseph Campbell
I believe that it is better to tell the truth than a lie.
I believe it is better to be free than to be a slave.
And I believe it is better to know than to be ignorant.
- H.L. Mencken
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May the world be kind to you,
and may your own thoughts be gentle upon yourself.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
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